Who We Are & What We Stand For

We are RPS Parents Advocating for “Kid First” Policies

Make Parent Participation Accessible.
School board meetings are LONG. And for too many parents, childcare, work, and distance make engagement in their children’s schooling unrealistic. Our volunteers live-tweet the meetings, so families can stay informed wherever and whenever it is convenient to do so. Additionally, our newsletter recaps share summaries of the meetings.

Advocate for Student-Centered Policy
We understand that successful students are a product of successful leadership. We support equitable, evidence-based policies that prioritize student outcomes, and ensure every kid gets the academic experience they need to become successful adults.

School Board Accountability
We rate school board members based on the following values:

  1. Engagement - Responding to parent emails, holding community town-halls, and participation in school events in their district.

  2. Adherence to Board Rules - Rules ensure full transparency in policy making, and that RPS stakeholders have an opportunity to weigh in on the decisions that will impact their lives, careers, and student outcomes.

  3. Funding Priorities - In a district with many competing needs, the children should be at the center of how every taxpayer dollar is spent.

  4. Cooperation - Every district elected a school board member to represent the unique needs of their communities. Cooperation among all 9 board members is essential to meeting those needs, and requires kindness, discussion, problem-solving, and compromise.


Theresa Kennedy

LaKeisha Williams

Tisha Erby

Tara FitzPatrick

Emily Kavanaugh

District Collaborators

We’d like to be accountable, too. We’re interested in building our city-wide group of community advisors, who can authentically represent the diverse needs of our students across the city. Email us to get involved!